
Scan the QR code/click here to receive text alerts for new opportunities or email [email protected] if you'd rather receive emails instead, and/or have any questions


Search 'neurodivergent', 'autism', 'ADHD' and 'AuDHD' on tiktok for people's lived experiences (they vary widely), as well as this presentation#mce_temp_url#.

View the form under Helpees to see what kind of tasks may be requested


Please fill out this form to request what you need our Helpers to do! Apologese if your request cannot be fulfilled at this moment as we've only just started up this community. In the meantime check out the Resources tab.

Email [email protected] if you have any questions. 

For mental health emergencies please call your local helpline 

are not liable for any mishaps or injuries during bookings. Treat your safety with the same discernment you would with classified ads as we cannot conduct background checks at this moment.
Helpers and Helpees must be considered adults within their respective country of residence. 

We're looking to collab with app developers - email us!